Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Current Event


Predators Drive the Evolution of Poison Dart Frogs' Skin Patterns

American Naturalist by University of Montreal biologist Mathieu Chouteau.
November 21, 2011

       Poison dart frogs develop different patterns in different areas to ward off predators. A scientist make little models of frogs of different patterns including that of the local frogs. The birds pecked primarily the strange patterns. They even pecked the pattern of frogs about 10 kilometers away. This was surprising for scientist Choteau. 

       I was surprised to learn that the frogs adapted differently from the frogs just 10 kilometers away. This goes to show you how amazing animals are. I notice that we seem to know less than we think about frogs, I see new discoveries all the time about frogs. There seems to be more to some animals than what we think. The frog's adaptation saves itself and any unlucky bird who would have otherwise ate it. That makes one lucky frog and several lucky birds.

University of Montreal. "Predators drive the evolution of poison dart frogs' skin patterns."ScienceDaily, 21 Nov. 2011. Web. 23 Nov. 2011.


  1. Interesting... did you just imply that humans are stupid?

  2. it depends on how you interpret what I said

  3. Thanks for doing this post. Poison dart frogs are my favourite animal. Good job!
