Monday, September 19, 2011

Current Event

Wolves May Aid Recovery of Canada Lynx, a Threatened Species

By: William J. Ripple, Aaron J. Wirsing, Robert L. Beschta, Steven W. Buskirk

Oregon State University

August 30, 201

Wolves are helping to bring back the Canada lynx which was listed threatened under the E.S.A. because of the decline in the snowshoe hare population. The cause in the decline of hares is the coyote population which dramatically grew when the wolf population depleted.
        The depleting of wolves is threatening other top pretators like lynx becaus wolves not keeping coyotes and herbavore populations at the appropriate number can dramatically affect the eco system. When one organism depletes it causes the population of other organisms to change usually causing the eco system to go "out of whack".

       Wolves often kill coyotes this keeps their population at bay.Wolves and other predators keep the amount of herbavores and omnivores at bay.One animal being endangered to any extent can severley mess up an eco system.

       We should be careful about cutting down a lot of forest, settling land, and polluting the ocean. It can have devastating effects on the ecosystem

BIBLIOGRAPHY:  Oregon State University (2011, August 30). Wolves may aid recovery of Canada lynx, a threatened species. ScienceDaily. Retrieved September 19, 2011, from­ /releases/2011/08/110830144530.htm

1 comment:

  1. Very good reflection. You summed up the main idea very well. Good job!
